Spencer is currently an Assistant Professor of Instruction at Ohio University. A board member of the Brain Injury Association of Ohio, Spencer finds ways to use his experience with medical providers during his recovery to support TBI patients. He has a PhD in educational studies from The Ohio State University, a MA in English from Ohio University, and a Bachelor’s degree in English from Ohio University’s Honors Tutorial College where he graduated summa cum laude in 2013.
During his undergraduate studies, Spencer studied abroad in Milan, Italy where he studied at the University of Milan. Spencer is a member of Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. He began his teaching career in Detroit as a high school teacher as part of Teach For America. As he learns how to write and tell his story, he helps students write theirs. He currently lives in Columbus, OH with his wife Casey.
He knows his recovery would not have been possible without the support of his parents and his brother. Spencer’s interest in education and how to connect people with the tools they need has become the foundation for our non-profit.
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