Dr. Sheital B Bavishi, DO, is a Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation specialist currently located at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She graduated from Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2004, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency at University of Cincinnati in 2009, and Polytrauma and Traumatic Brain Injury Fellowship at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center in 2010.
She is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Medicine. Dr. Bavishi is a Physiatrist who specializes in Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Spasticity Management, and Neurological Gait Disorders. She is affiliated with the James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University Hospitals.
Dr. Bavishi served as a integral part of Spencer's recovery, serving as his Physiatrist. She also helped Smith Brain Connections see the need for our work. It's no surprise that she is rated in the top 10 percent of physicians in the nation for patient satisfaction, 2014, 2015, 2016 due to her passion for helping people and rehabilitation medicine.
Smith Brain Connections is not a provider of medical services. The research and medical information provided by this site is provided as informational use only. Please contact your health care provider before making any health decisions.
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