Joseph Bianco is an Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioral Medicine in the Department of Social Medicine at Ohio University. He received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Columbia University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in health psychology/integrated behavioral health and primary care at Ohio University.
Dr. Bianco has clinical experience treating children, adolescents and adults in both mental health and medical settings. He is currently the Instructor of Record for the Addiction, Pain, and Palliative Care course and teaches child psychiatry, addiction medicine and case-based learning seminars at OU-HCOM. Dr. Bianco’s research explores various facets of traumatic stress and health, including the effects of childhood trauma on adult health, the prevalence and correlates of traumatic stress among primary care patients, and the relationship between patient stress and physician burnout.
Since 2012, Dr. Bianco and his collaborators (Tracy Shaub, DO, Sue Meeks, RN, BC, and Dawn Graham, Ph.D.) have had continuous funding from the MEDTAPP Healthcare Access Initiative to develop and deploy the Integrated Mind-Body Medicine Program, a trauma-informed training and intervention program for members of the primary care workforce. In addition, he currently serves as the Principal Investigator of “Sustaining IPAC,” a rural health network development grant funded by HRSA. Dr. Bianco served as Spencer's undergraduate thesis advisor.
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